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The social unrest that led to the riots in Clichy-sous-Bois lies partly on the sensation of being trapped, landlocked in a city just 15 kilometers from the capital, but so far in terms of accessibility.


10 years after the riots, Clichy-sous-Bois still doesn’t have a train station. The inhabitants still have to go to the ones of Le Raincy, Aulnay-sous-Bois or Sevran-Livry, each of them located five kilometers away. One hour is the time it takes them to reach the city center of Paris, just as long as if they were heading to Lille, in the north of France.


Unlocking the city to make it easier to access employment is a priority. That’s why, since 2007, the number of buses circulating in Clichy-sous-Bois has been improved, and a new line has opened to reach Roissy-CDG since 2010.


Various projects are currently in progress to get better transports connexions with the west of Paris and other suburb cities. A branch of the tramway 4 is supposed to stop at four stations in Clichy-sous-Bois from 2018. Above all, it is the “Grand Paris Express” plan that Clichois are waiting for. Still no direct connexion with Paris, but a metro line will link Clichy-sous-Bois to various suburbs east and north of the capital, enabling the inhabitants to commute more quickly to get to Paris. But this will require patience : the project isn’t set to end before at least 2025.

Transports, a work in progress

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Jobless suburb

Income disparities